15th June 2020
- Don't forget! Photographic Competition - help us create a fabulous calendar for 2021. Click here for details.
10th June 2020

- Launch of our new 'Dreaming of Rusland' project - Local artist Eleanor Chaney is drawing 7 species of flora and fauna and encouraging you to do the same, with helpful worksheets and videos. Go to the Project page for details.
5th May 2020
See also our May Newsletter
• See Marion and Brenda's weekly Well-being ideas
• See our new Living History project page and community contributions so far about this strange world of Covid19 lockdown. Please submit your own contributions (thoughts, ideas, poems, pictures...) via our Facebook group page, or email to hello@ruslandhorizonstrust.org

19th April 2020
See also our April Newsletter
Spring has well and truly sprung and wildlife goes on in these strange times of Coronavirus lock-down..
Although all Rusland Horizons activities have been postponed, we want to assure you that The Rusland Horizons Trust continues and is not at risk. We are financially solvent and will remain so. We are fortunate in having no major outgoings that are not matched by income. We do, of course, need to generate more funds in order to achieve all those ambitious targets that have been put on hold for the time being and we will continue to apply for funds wherever we can. We are poised to reactivate ourselves as soon as circumstances allow us to do so.
A new 'Living History' project: Meanwhile, we thought that Rusland Horizons is just the organisation to try to capture the significance of this moment in history through inviting you to be part of a project to capture life in the valley and surrounding areas during the ‘lockdown’ of 2020. We are living through a period of time which will be remembered and spoken about for many years to come - we are living history. See our latest newsletter for more information.
Well-Being: For some great ideas for reducing stress and staying positive in these difficult times, please see our weekly postings from Marion Brown and Brenda Fishwick.
17th March 2020
Please note that all planned events have now been postponed due to the spread of coronavirus. In addition the Rusland Spring Show has also been cancelled.
However, Rusland Horizons will continue its work, and we will make progress on projects where we can individually, communicating remotely. Watch this space for more news.
10th March 2020:
- Farmers and Landowners Group: First meeting report (coming soon)