As part of the Hidden Hedgerows Project, Cumbria Wildlife Trust is asking for volunteers to map and survey hedgerows in the Rusland Horizons area.
Can you help?
The survey taking place over the summer will record the physical and management characteristics of hedgerows, as well as the woody species which make up the hedge and hedge bottom flora. We have identified and prioritised sample sites for survey throughout the scheme area with each site being a 1km grid square. You will be able to 'claim' a 1kmn square, hopefully near where you live.
Skills and knowledge required: Ability to identify all the ‘woody species’ (trees and shrubs) that are likely to be found growing in a Cumbrian hedgerow. A reference guide can be used (some will be provided) for some difficult species. Otherwise, you only need common sense and to be methodical, neat and tidy! For hedge-bottom flora (this part of the survey is optional), you must be confident that you can identify the higher plants and grasses commonly associated with hedgerows.
The training days: will be held at Rusland Reading Room. The first day will provide a refresher on identifying woody plants and hedge bottom flora whilst the second will provide training in the basic survey techniques and will cover issues such as Health & Safety. Visit the What’s On section of the Cumbria Wildlife Trust website for more info (
See also the 'Hidden Hedgerow' Project Page, and scroll down to the bottom for the Role Profile
To book on the training days, contact Cumbria Wildlife Trust on 01539 816300 or email:
To discuss any aspect of the project or the hedgerow surveys contact Graham Jackson-Pitt: Tel: 01539 816 306 Email: